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subfusc \sub-FUHSK\, adjective: Dark or dull in color; drab, dusky.[Origin: 1755–65; <>subfuscus]
Subordinate ordnance ordains
Our upturned faces singly in the night;
Obligations spit and crackle
Peeling the subfuscous nothing above us
into ribbons of razor-light;
Washing the pride from our countenance
in sublime strips;
Leaving our hearts beating sluggishly
vehement \VEE-uh-muhnt\, adjective: 1. Zealous; ardent; impassioned.2. Characterized by rancor or anger.3. Marked by great energy or exertion.
[Origin: 1475–85; <>vehement-, s. of veheméns, véméns violent, forceful (of uncert. derivation)]
Vehementhe behemoth
Making 'I's at my wallet;
Christening the spot with
Its putridium erectile drip:
"My Time! My Time!"
Again and again.
But this is mine: this
Thistle-lime and creeping doom.
This is yours and mined time;
Ours, if you kennit, or
Whichever is less.
But this time could be different!
This Time
We could be different!
We could escape these paper folds!
Minty Magic Land is our
Nightmare pancreas;
A constant demand
Of soul
And heart-juice;
An acid wash of highest caliber
rinsing your brains wholly holy
and 'holy'.