Monday, March 3, 2008

Nothing: ad Infinitum

ersatz \AIR-sahts; UR-sats\, adjective:
Being a substitute or imitation, usually an inferior one.

[Origin: 1870–75; <>Ersatz a substitute (deriv. of ersetzen to replace)]

Ersatz Earth in the Tube
In the Bill
In the whole damn schemata

Replacement parts for
Replacement parts for

Replacement parts...

And to what end?
A frightful image!
A jingle janglin' jungle of justifications spread
Like a taught and torpid
Diamond spider web!

But we are the flies, oh yes
We are the flies in the palms of the lords
Semiotic sweet and plump of pocket
Can't-be-bothered busy with shit on our lips

We have a billion hands yet
We build naught but bars
We have a billion eyes yet

We can not see:

The Repo Man cometh
And the dreaded Tax Man
And the pale horse rider
And they all jibber the same nonsense:

"You owe us"